
Guardians of the Galaxy Movie Review
Before this movie was announced did you honestly know who the Guardians of the Galaxy were? I didn't, but now I do and they're awesome!
Guardians of the Galaxy is directed by James Gunn and yet again sees the Marvel Cinematic Universe expand even more, this time in the far reaches of space. It is definitely Marvel's most ambitious film to date as it takes a group of relatively unknown comic book characters and gives them their moments to shine. Chris Pratt plays Star Lord, a human being captured by an alien ship at a very young age, who steals a mysterious power source in the shape of an orb. This then leads him to form a team with a group of 4 other misfits; Gamora, Drax, Groot and Rocket with the goal of stopping Ronan the Accuser from destroying the Galaxy.
Yet again Marvel have produced a fantastically fun movie only this time they're giving us a space adventure movie which doesn't take itself too seriously. I enjoyed the movie a hell of a lot and I'm glad that they've announced a sequel.
The movie has in my opinion one of the best moulds of drama and humour I have ever seen. I found myself laughing quite consistently throughout the movie, particularly one scene which involves all 5 of them sitting in a circle. 80% of the jokes either hit sufficiently or left me gut busting and it is by far Marvel's funniest film to date. And Chris Pratt as Star Lord is honestly at the centre of most of the humour in this movie and he is awesome as this character. He's a badass in combat but at the same time is the character with the most depth and development.
The band of misfits all work well off each other and they really are an interesting bunch of characters. Zoe Saldana is perfect for the role of Gamora and has a really intriguing backstory which involves Thanos, the big purple guy in the post credits scene of The Avengers. Groot, voiced by Vin Diesel, is also awesome yet so cute at the same time. He was involved in my favourite few moments of the movie; one of which was comedy gold and the other a dramatic scene which actually really got to me.
Rocket Racoon, voiced by Bradley Cooper, steals the show. Rocket is so funny. Plus he looks awesome as well. You'd expect a Marvel movie to look good and this movie lives up to that. It has these grand epic shots of space and of different planets and also has some cool and colourful special effects which look amazing, particularly Rocket's fur.
Dave Bautista in my opinion does take time to slip into the role of Drax and he isn't exactly the greatest actor on the planet. But when he does get all warmed up he does have some great moments which are pretty goddam hilarious. I keep saying it but this is honestly one of the funniest movies I've seen all year. Whenever it may begin to seem it is becoming too serious the movie does a 180 and starts to spoof itself. It's very self aware and I really liked that.
I do have small issues with it including how some of the jokes in the first half did fall flat and the dialogue became woolly, fluffy exposition at times. The movie did do that a few times where it felt as if a character was giving unnecessary backstory for the sake of telling the audience these things.
My biggest issue with the film is the villainous characters. Korath, Nebula and The Collector appear in the movie and I didn't really care much about them. The main villain is Ronan the Accuser and while it was cool to see how he linked with Thanos, he wasn't a good villain for me as he had no backstory and his motivations were never clear, he was only there to be the bad guy.
As far as criticisms go that's it. Guardians of the Galaxy proves that Marvel can make relatively unknown characters awesome by putting them in fun, hilarious adventure films which Guardians is. It's a hell of a fun time which I recommend you see. Also, if you think the post credits scene will tease The Avengers: Age of Ultron, you may be disappointed. But I wasn't, I just found it funny:
Rating - B+
1 sentence summary - A self aware comic book movie with great humour, action and interesting characters.
I will be doing a spoiler review for this movie which should be up by tomorrow.
Thanks for reading,
Leaked footage for Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016) at SDCC
Do you remember a month ago when DC's supposed film slate was released online? Well it hasn't been confirmed so I am a little bit disappointed. Then I saw some leaked footage, and told my self to shut up.
San Diego Comic Con is seen a fair few announcements already. 2 monsters have been confirmed for Godzilla 2, which Gareth Edwards will direct after he's finished with the Star Wars spinoff, Guardians of the Galaxy 2 has been announced for a July 28th 2017 release date, and we've seen various images from Batman v Superman, including Batfleck's new suit and Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman. But I just watched the leaked footage for Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice and wept fan boy tears.
The footage they chose was absolute perfection. Everything about it just made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up and it literally gave me goosebumps. Yeah I'm such a nerd if you haven't figured that one out.
The footage begins with some fantastic war drums beating away in the background and it added an incredible amount of tension and set up superbly what was about to come next. The footage is Gotham city at night. There's rain, thunder and lightning. Batman walks up to the bat signal and turns it on. The signal shines in the stormy sky.
The camera then pans up from behind Batman and we see the Bat logo in the sky. A bolt of lightning strikes and it changes to Superman floating in the air. He doesn't look happy! He's literally floating their menacingly and his eyes are glowing red. The camera then cuts back to Batman with his glowing white eyes, he grins a little and it cuts to the Batman v Superman logo.
Say what you like about the film but my word this footage was f*cking awesome! I know it doesn't mean that the movie is going to be amazing but everything about the footage impressed the hell out of me. I love the element of the war drums and the burning tension going on. I love the fantastic imagery. I love the way it sounds, the visual look to it and the tone of unease, tension and conflict which they were going for. It is incredibly reminiscent of The Dark Knight Returns and that is what I want from this movie. I can't wait to see it.
I don't have a question to ask rather a command: watch this footage right now!
Thanks for reading,
SPOILER Review - Dawn of the Planet of the Apes
I promised a spoiler review for Dawn of the Planet of the Apes at the end of my spoiler-free review so here we are. Only read this review if you have seen the movie as you will find heavy spoilers for the film and I don't want to be responsible for ruining the film for you. You have been warned!
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes is my favourite movie of the year so far and is honestly one of the best I have ever seen. I was so heavily engrossed in everything that was going on, and the emotion and tension at the film's core was immensely powerful to me. I honestly cried on 2 occasions and, perhaps more embarrassingly, jumped out of my skin on a few occasions. I was honestly so involved in the movie and simple transitions between scenes, from a moment with the apes to a human firing a gun, made me jump!
The film begins with a series of news casts and snippets from interviews from famous people and it explains about how the simian flu wiped out the human race and for the years after that the endangered human species began to fight amongst each other in order to survive in a post apocalyptic world, run by the apes.
The first 15 minutes of the film is all about the apes as we get to meet up with Caesar again and get emotionally attached to Caesar's tribe. We learn that Caesar is the dominant leader of the group because all the other apes, including Koba, seriously respect him. We also get to learn a little bit about how he has a son, a new-born child and a wife. We learn more about the ape culture for example how they hunt deer in groups from the tree tops and their code of conduct, which includes very strict rules such as "apes together strong" and "ape not kill ape".
And there's something I wanted to mention here which I couldn't in my spoiler-free review which concerns how the apes are only just stringing together sentences. To me it would've been unrealistic if the apes could talk perfect English like they do in the later Planet of the Apes film.
The tension in the first and second act of the movie all happens due to the relationship between the apes and the humans. The humans are living in a dire situation where they're 2 weeks away from relinquishing all of their power. They are bottle necked in this one tower in San Francisco and are, as you would expect, living in fear of the apes who now dominate the planet. And you can hardly blame them considering their 10 years of struggle!
It really begins when that one guy (who I think was in The Walking Dead at one stage?) shoots an ape at point blank range. Obviously Caesar and his apes come rushing down to see what has happened and we get our first stand off between the apes and our group of humans. My favourite part about that scene was where one human said "they're just apes", and Malcolm (Jason Clarke's character) says "do they look like just apes to you?".
Caesar basically says for them to leave and marches on the human stronghold and says "apes don't want war, but will fight if we must", and simply leaves. What I loved about the film was that there were so many shades of grey. Gary Oldman wants to attack the apes and you can hardly blame him! After all, he did lose his family during the outbreak of the simian flu. Koba the ape wants to attack the humans and you can hardly blame him! After all, he was tortured by humans before the flu outbreak.
Malcolm, the human protagonist, and his family then decide that they have to go back to the apes stronghold as the humans need the power from a nearby dam to survive, however the only way through is past Caesar and his apes. This does bring for some extreme moments of tension but Caesar shows his compassionate side by helping the humans. Meanwhile, all of the memories of being tortured by humans is flooding back to Koba, and his relationship with Caesar starts to go south.
That one scene in the boiler room again highlighted Caesar's compassion, but also his brute strength, as he basically beats Koba and has his hands around his neck ready to strangle him. He yields because "ape not kill ape". Koba then proves that not all apes are better than humans by travelling to the human stronghold. The one scene where he is pretending to be silly with those 2 humans before taking their guns and shooting them was just as epic as it was in the trailer. My friend sitting next to me hadn't seen the trailer. Yeah.. you can imagine how that went down!
Koba then comes back to the ape camp, sets it on fire and shoots Caesar and I honestly thought Caesar was gone, dead. He falls all the way down the hillside as Koba blames the humans for the actions which he had just done. This is why Koba is a dick and he needs to die! He then places a gun in the hand of the son of the man (sorry, the ape) he just murdered and orders him to march against the humans. What a dick! The orang-utan Maurice basically tells the humans to haul ass.
The apes then mount their horses and march against the humans, now with shot guns as weapons. The fighting then commences and both humans and apes are getting shot down and blown up. It's really violent and the action in the movie his very hard indeed. That one shot where Koba mounts the tank and takes out those guys while it was spinning around blew my mind! It left my jaw hanging! It was perhaps my favourite shot of the movie. The apes then start to round up the humans and put them in cages. This is also something I wanted to talk about but couldn't in my spoiler-free review and that is the fact that the themes woven into this movie have so much depth. My friend when we left the theatre said that that one scene reminded him of aspects of the holocaust, and I agreed with him. The movie tackles on more themes like power struggle and acceptance of other races and it really merits it because the script, characters and emotion in the film are just remarkable.
Meanwhile the fleeing humans find Caesar, take him back to his old house in San Francisco and operate on him. Caesar lives! Thank God for that! Caesar's son in the middle of the fighting decides that Koba just isn't all that great of an ape when he throws Ash over the edge of a balcony, after he decided not to beat a human to death. He then frees the apes loyal to Caesar and returns to his father.
When they all reunite the apes make a plan to stop Koba and Malcolm decides to follow them. But Malcolm ends up with Gary Oldman again, who plans to blow up the human stronghold. Malcolm understandably pulls a gun on him but Oldman decides to detonate! This in turn half destroys the tower. Now we get to the epic confrontation between Caesar and Koba. The ape who once respected his leader has turned to wanting to kill him all because of an inherited hatred of humans. Caesar doesn't have this as he has experienced the good humans can do. Caesar wins the fight and Koba is hanging off the edge.
"Ape not kill Ape" - Koba. "You are not Ape" - Caesar. Caesar pulls Koba up and lets him go. Koba then entangles himself in some wire, falls onto a crane which then folds in on itself and falls to his death. Koba is dead at last. All hail Caesar! That is my favourite moment of the film by far as it was so goddamn satisfying.
The movie basically ends with Caesar back with his tribe and Malcolm one last time. Malcolm then disappears as the military, who the humans in the stronghold contacted earlier, are on their way. The film ends in the same way in which it began, with an extreme close up of Caesar's face.
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes is one spectacular film and is what a summer blockbuster should be; enthralling, intelligent and entertaining. The action is breathtaking, the CGI amongst the best ever, and the emotion you get from this movie is as powerful as any other film I've seen. I want to see it again very soon, and I will pick it up the day it comes out on blu-ray.
Thanks for reading,
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes Movie Review
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes is directed by Matt Reeves and is a sequel to 2011's Rise of the Planet of the Apes, which was my favourite movie to come out that summer movie season. The events of "Dawn" take place 10 years after "Rise" and we return to our hero Caesar, who is living in the woods with the rest of his tribe peacefully. However, when a group of humans stumble across the tribe, events are set in motion which will threaten the peace between the last remaining humans and the increasingly intelligent apes.
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes is just a sensational movie, and is the best to come out so far this year. It is honestly one of the best movies I have ever seen in my entire life and I was not prepared for how awesome the film turned out to be.
I spent the entire movie holding my breath, clenching my fists and with my jaw hanging open, gawking at the amazement the movie gave me. The movie is so good as it moves at a very quick and urgent pace and you really start to feel that every scene in the movie matters for something. But to me what made this movie so special is the fact that every thing is on a knife edge throughout the entire movie. You feel as if it could kick off at any second and this brings for some fantastic tension which lasts from the first scene to the very last. You so want the humans and the apes to co-exist peacefully but deep down you know that certain characters in the ape and human camps will just not let that happen.
After 10 years we get to see how Caesar is getting on and the answer is very well. He has a wife and a son and is the authoritative figure amongst his group of apes. Every second Caesar is on screen is golden. Andy Serkis is a pioneer for motion capture technology and he honestly deserves and Oscar nomination for best actor as his performance is ridiculously real and hard-hitting. There are a few times in the movie where there is an extreme close up of Caesar's face and when you look at it you see the actor and the performance that he is giving. Also they develop Caesar's character sufficiently throughout the movie and there were a few moments when he brought me to tears. I don't cry in The Fault in our Stars but I do in a movie involving a bunch of CGI apes!
But that just proves how emotionally impactful the movie really is. If you couple that with the ridiculous tension you'll get a movie you won't be able to take your eyes off of. The movie affected me so much to the point where I had only drunk 2 sips of my coke during the film.
Also great in the film is Toby Kebbell playing the ape Koba. Koba was the ape in "Rise" who the humans were experimenting on, so he has an obvious deep hatred for human beings and just doesn't trust them. However, he still looks up to Caesar and is in debt to him after Caesar saved him during "Rise". Gary Oldman also nearly brought me to tears during one scene and what I loved about him was that he wasn't a cookie-cutter villain, he had his motivations and you completely understood where he was coming from. Jason Clarke and the other humans were well developed and relatable and contributed to you, as an audience member, being attached to every single character and wanting them to peacefully exist.
The story itself is completely unpredictable and when it looks like it is following a certain route it changes course unexpectedly, so you never really know just what you're in for. The acting of course is just stunning and the characters are all either brilliantly well developed or have a tremendous screen presence to them. Or both.
Matt Reeves was given the task to direct this movie and he did it amazingly. He has also been confirmed to direct the 3rd movie set to come out in 2016, which is amazing news! There were moments in the movie where a single shot would blow my mind and leave my jaw hanging just because it looked so beautiful. The movies editing, cinematography and music did a stellar job at creating the environment and maintaining a consistent level of tension which didn't let up until the screen turned black at the end. Also, the CGI is some of the best I've ever seen and the motion capture work is second to none.
I haven't even talked about the action sequences yet which take place during the film's final act. They're just unrelentingly brutal and hard-hitting (there's that word once again!). There are some fight sequences during the movie where you feel every single punch. I must give credit to the sound designers involved with this movie as they really gave this awesome summer movie an extra dimension which made the movie experience that little bit better!
I love this movie more than anything and I honestly think it is one of the best I have ever seen. The tension was unbearable at times and I could genuinely feel my heart pounding in my chest. This movie is also one of the most emotionally impactful movies I have ever seen and I haven't been as invested in a film since I last watched The Lord of the Rings, my all time favourite movies. This movie is the best, and you should see it right now:
Rating - A+
1 sentence summary - The movie of the summer; where every filmmaking element combines to create a movie with incredibly real tension, raw emotion and an unforgettable experience!
I'm going to do a spoiler filled review of Dawn of the Planet of the Apes soon and I can't wait for that. My love for this movie cannot be merely expressed in only one review.
Question: Your favourite movie of the summer so far?
Thanks for reading,
Leaked Trailer for Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016)?
A supposedly leaked trailer for Batman v Superman has been released on the Internet and here is what I have to say about it. To watch the trailer, click down below:
The Batman v Superman movie is honestly one of the reasons I am still alive at this point and is probably the thing I talk about the most. A few days ago this trailer was posted on YouTube and it claims to be a teaser trailer for the film, possibly one DC were planning to show at Comic Con.
First off, it is a 100% fake. It's a well made fake for sure but for 3 things give it away:
1) The Logos - As far as I know I don't think that Syncopy and Legendary are involved in the movie. Correct me if I'm wrong but aren't they Christopher Nolan's companies? And if they are they wouldn't be on the trailer as he isn't involved in the movie. Sure he'll get noted as he helped to write Man of Steel, but he isn't really involved with this movie as far as I'm aware.
2) Batman's breathing - Batman looks a lot like he does in the Arkham games, which leads me to believe that they used the Arkham Batman while animating the trailer. That didn't really bug me at all as I knew it was fake but what did was how heavily Batman was breathing! Has he literally just beaten up a couple criminals, drove home in his Batmobile, ran down to the Batcave and switch on his monitors and at that precise time Zod's message was being broadcasted? I doubt it. He reminds me of when Cristiano Ronaldo prepares to take a free kick. I don't buy it at all!
3) That head turn though - It's pretty quick to say the least. No human being would dramatically turn their head as quickly as Batman does in this trailer!
I actually really like the trailer. I think it's a brilliantly constructed and edited trailer. My favourite thing about it is that it links together this movie and the events of Man of Steel, something I hope they link together well in the actual movie. I also like how it spoils absolutely nothing in terms of other characters and plot details.
So I'm not going to ask if you think the trailer is fake, but I will ask what do you want to see from DC at Comic Con? I want them to confirm their film slate, give us a few images of Wonder Woman and a small teaser trailer, something along the lines of this one.
Thanks for reading,
Tammy Movie Review
Oh dear.
Tammy is directed by Ben Falcone and stars his wife Melissa McCarthy as the title character. The film was also written by the 2 and is essentially a road trip comedy movie with Tammy and her grandmother, played by Susan Sarandon. It is marketed as a comedy but in my opinion it shouldn't have been because my experience with this one was quiet, as in I don't think I laughed once! I had a pretty awful time with this one.
The biggest criticism I can have with a comedy is if it doesn't make me laugh and I honestly didn't laugh at all during this one. For me it just wasn't funny and was wooden in it's execution. This is one of those comedies where it feels as if they're trying to force the laughter out of you without really earning it. I get it guys, Tammy likes to call people pricks/dicks/assholes all the time! Honestly I get it.
Melissa McCarthy and Susan Sarandon are not the reasons for this films failure in my opinion because they are by no means acting terribly however they're frustrating to watch because as characters they are stupidly unlikeable! We're forced to (unsuccessfully) bond with these 2 characters via a plot which makes no logical sense. The writing is all over the place.
The film, within the first 15 minutes, had already introduced us to Tammy, her mother and her grandmother, seen Tammy get fired from her job and seen her leave her husband. I often say that sometimes movies can be quickly paced in a bad way... there's your example! The film is structurally a mess and tonally a mess. It has built-up emotional scenes which are really meant to make you feel but the truth is I couldn't give a f***! They miss and they miss awfully!
The movie is marketed as a comedy yet is directed with no urgency, no flair and no inspiration to the point where I spent 90 minutes checking my phone to see when it was going to end! Also I want to mention 2 other small things which got on my nerves. One is the worst CGI deer I have ever seen. The other is a cricket sound effect which comes out of nowhere and ends a second later. They probably won't bug most people but they really agitated me!
The one glimmer of praise I can give Tammy is that on 2 occasions I grinned. That is it. Tammy was a bad experience for me as I was bored sh*tless and not laughing during a summer comedy movie. That should never happen:
Rating - D-
1 sentence summary - A boring comedy which has no laughs, as in none!
Thanks for reading,
5 Reasons why Ant-Man could suck
Phase 3 of the Marvel Cinematic Universe is set to begin 2 months after Phase 2 draws to it's conclusion with next summer's Avengers: Age of Ultron. The film tasked with this is Ant Man, a project that has been in development since 2006. However, an extremely rare troubled pre production for Marvel is happening right now and it has lead many to believe that this movie could really suck. I really want a good Ant Man movie, but the odds are completely stacked against it..
1) He's an unknown
Obviously fans of Marvel comics will know who he is but do mainstream audiences? When I talk to my friends about the movies Marvel will be releasing, I tell them that Ant Man is coming out they all say the same thing: "Ant Man? "Who the f*** is that?!". However, one could say that before all these Marvel movies came out Iron Man, Thor and Captain America were relative unknowns, now they are pop culture icons. So there is that.
2) Changing the director
Edgar Wright, who helmed the Cornetto trilogy, has been linked to Ant Man since 2006 and had drawn up 3 versions of the script. He is quoted as saying that "The thing I like about Ant-Man is that it's not like a secret power, there's no supernatural element or it's not a genetic thing. There's no gamma rays. It's just like the suit and the gas, so in that sense, it really appealed to me in terms that we could do something high-concept, really visual, cross-genre, sort of an action and special effects bonanza, but funny as well." He is a talented director and the project was close to his heart. Hiring Peyton Reed in his place may turn out to be a huge mistake because let's face it... we all want to see Wright make a superhero movie after what he did with Scott Pilgrim.
3) Changing the writers
Screenwriters often tackle a film's script differently to others.This means that the Ant Man script has never really been settled on, which worries me. A solid script is the key to a kick-ass superhero movie (like the Dark Knight trilogy, Captain America: The Winter Soldier and X-Men: Days of Future Past) and numerous re-writes won't help it. I mean they've jumped from Joe Cornish, Adam McKay and now 2 new writers have come in to write it. And that news is only a day old or so. They're re-writing a month before shooting supposedly starts in August!
4) The Release Date
Do you seriously believe that Ant Man will be filmed, edited, polished and ready for 17th July 2015, which is literally just over a year away? I don't. There is honestly no harm in them pushing the film back a while considering Age of Ultron comes out in the same year.
5) Avengers: Age of Ultron
Ok so maybe this isn't as big an issue as changing the writers or the director, but having a (relatively) unknown comic book movie come out 2 months after Avengers: Age of Ultron may also hurt the film financially. Although this may not be the case after all as Marvel do a great job at promoting their films before they're released. Hell look at what they've done with Guardians of the Galaxy! Mind you this is the first time an MCU film has undergone such a troublesome pre production, so maybe people won't go and see it if it turns out as bad as it could.
I really hope Ant Man proves me wrong but at the moment it is looking like a complete train wreck of a film. The odds are stacked against it, but I will go and see it regardless and I will pray Marvel can pull the rabbit out of the hat with this one, because if they can make this movie good they can do anything!
Thanks for reading,
5 Reasons Why I Hate The Transformers Franchise
When I changed the name of the blog I intended to do movie related Top 10 lists. However, after writing an incredibly negative review for Transformers: Age of Extinction, I thought I would explain why I hate this movie franchise and the films within it. I'm limiting myself to 5 so I don't go on forever...
1) No Creativity
The Transformers movies are the prime example of having a director with a very distinct filmmaking style. This franchise showcases Michael Bay in all of his slow motion, firework explosions, CGI glory. I am not a big fan of Bay's style at all and I don't find it entertaining or redeemable. Some people say that when you go into a Transformers movie you need to "turn your brain off" and you should expect what you get. No. As film audiences we deserve the best and should get the best from a director/studio. Don't treat us like idiots who can only be satisfied by attractive women and explosions, treat us with respect. We like to see movies directed with passion and determination. We like movies which are original and unique. Hell one of my favourite movies so far this year has been The Grand Budapest Hotel for that exact reason. Anyway I'm rambling. The point is I don't like seeing the same movie 4 times over with no creative changes made at all.
2) No Continuity
Why is it that every single Transformers movie there's a change in the mythology? Why is it that every movie sees the characters fight over the possession of the same thing with a different name? Why is it that the Autobot and Decepticon line up changes throughout the movies without any real explanation as to why? Don't ask me!
3) The Humour
I said this a few times in my Age of Extinction review that I do not understand Michael Bay's humour. His comedic characters are awful and they're not subtle as being comic relief as he just shoves these unlikeable and unfunny characters down your throat. The examples of his humour which just boggle my mind include Transformer testicles, racist jokes and stereotyping and at one point 2 dogs having sex.
4) The Action
My favourite movie so far this year has been The Raid 2. Why? Because the action saw the actors physically commit and devote to their stunts which made the action seem tense and realistic. The action sequences used wide takes and actually showed us what was going on. When Michael Bay has to perform an action sequence in these movies which don't involve CGI Transformers, its just a load of quick cut editing and shaky cam. When he does create an action sequence with 2 Transformers, it is just a CGI slop fest with a panning camera, which means I have no idea who's fighting who and which one I need to be routing for. It leaves me confused and there is absolutely no suspense or weight to the action, thus it isn't satisfying enough.
5) They Make Money
Dark of the Moon grossed $1.2 billion worldwide. It is the seventh highest grossing film of all time. Wow. The thing that really gets me is that people would rather spend their money on a film like this as opposed to something original. I mean The Grand Budapest Hotel is a perfect example of a movie with originality, passionate direction and at the same time is really fun and enjoyable. Edge of Tomorrow is an action movie with incredible action in it, plus is actually something new and refreshing in Hollywood as it is based off a Manga. Even big budget Hollywood blockbusters like Captain America: The Winter Soldier and X-Men: Days of Future Past have been of high quality this year, yet I guarantee Age of Extinction will gross more than those 2. The Transformers movies are big, bloated CGI fests with no substance and too many explosions. They make tonnes of money (Age of Extinction has made $300 million I think in its opening weekend) and because of this they will continue to make more and more of the same bullsh*t and Hollywood will be continue to be riddled by movies like the Transformers movies, which scares me!
I'm done being negative. I probably sounded like a whiny little bitch throughout that but if truth be told those are my honest opinions on this movie franchise, which I really hate. If you disagree with anything written down, please leave a comment.
Thanks for reading,
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