

Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens Teaser Trailer 2 Review

"Chewy, we're home."

One tiny line of dialogue from an iconic character at the very end of a teaser trailer summed everything up, Star Wars is coming back. Everything leading up to this trailer concerned with The Force Awakens such as the initial teaser, the cast announcement or going even as far back as to when JJ Abrams signed on to direct, has just felt right.

I was very young when both the Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones came out in theatres but I do remember watching Revenge of the Sith. I went with my mum and someone who was my friend at the time, and I remember thinking how it was just the best thing ever. I didn't grow up when the original trilogy came out, but I still used to watch them with my dad on VHS.

A few years back I revisited the 6 Star Wars movies, and I discovered why people had major issues with Episodes 1,2 and 3. The magic of Star Wars was marginalised and replaced with annoying CGI creatures and overly choreographed lightsaber battles, not to mention the consistent inconsistencies concerning information the original taught us. I am aware at the disappointment many people felt when the prequel trilogy released, and that is a disappointment I don't want to share.

Thankfully, I don't think I will. One 2 minute teaser trailer was enough to make me cry nerd tears of joy whilst at the same time reflect on just how much Star Wars has influenced me in terms of entertainment. I honestly think that they were some of the first movies I ever watched, which I'm sure is the case for many people who are of a similar age.

The trailer is similarly perfect to the one before it in that it is a teaser. I don't know anything about this movie, plot or character wise. I know that John Boyega, Daisy Ridley and Oscar Isaac are the characters this trilogy will follow but I have no idea who they're playing. I have no idea who the guy with the red lightsaber is, although I assume he is Adam Driver's character. Has the Rebel Alliance splintered off? Has the Empire been reborn? Will Luke, Han and Leia share a scene together? While I have all of these questions, I feel that this film we be where the classic characters "pass the baton" on to the newer ones we will come to know and, hopefully, love.

This is when a teaser trailer has done its job. It has moved me with John William's classic theme and the stunning imagery Abrams has presented, be it computer generated or a practical effect. But in terms of plot, script and characters, I know nothing. And I want to keep it that way. I am hoping that when I take my seat in that theatre on December 18th, I will know as little as possible and I'll be taken on a journey in a galaxy far far away, one filled with surprises I never could have suspected.

I love this trailer, it nearly made me cry. I have such a good feeling about Episode VII, and not just because it feels "old school" and its going to use practical sets and effects and all the shit. I'm excited because we have an ultimate Star Wars geek in the directors chair and actors who are clearly passionate about the project they have signed on to work with. I still can't quite put my thoughts on the trailer in a cohesive structure, and its been nearly a whole day since I've seen it. Regardless, I am pumped out of my mind!

Bring on December 18th!

Thanks for reading,

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