

Inside Out Movie Review

Pixar is back!

Remember the days when Pixar Animation Studios would produce consistently great movies every single year? Well, if you're like me then you'll see Inside Out as a good omen that Pixar is still the great animation studio we know and love. Inside Out tells the story of 11 year old Riley who is enduring a very difficult and emotionally confusing time of her life; she is moving from her childhood home in Minnesota to San Francisco. The story constantly switches between Riley's world and the world inside Riley's mind. There we meet our 5 main characters; Joy, Sadness, Anger, Fear and Disgust, personified emotions.

Inside Out is everything that made movies like Monsters Inc and Finding Nemo great. It's fresh, it's clever, it's immersive, but most importantly it's emotionally involving. I can't remember the last time a movie made me cry like Inside Out did, and I'm not ashamed to admit I cried on 2 separate occasions. I feel as if this movie will be able to cater to everyone. If you have or have ever felt emotions (I mean of course you have) or any memories of your childhood and growing up, you will be able to relate to this film. Kids will enjoy the adventure, parents will enjoy the nostalgia. It's a complete win-win situation.

The premise of a movie which takes place inside the consciousness of a child with the main characters as personified emotions is genius. However, a lot of movies fail to live up to the initial genius of its basic premise. Inside Out is not one of those films. It's genius in both its premise and execution, in its style and substance. I would normally give a more specific plot synopsis when reviewing movies but this time I feel as if I would be spoiling a few of the film's surprises. Just know this, everything that seems to go on in your head, is explained brilliantly.

The film is gorgeous to look at, as you would expect. Pixar has created another vibrant and colourful computer-generated animation which is an absolute pleasure to behold. But as I've said before, Inside Out is beautiful not just visually but with the themes that it tackles and its overall premise.

It's as funny as it is emotionally involving. You will be laughing consistently not just at the surface level comedy (which thankfully isn't revolved around toilet humour), you will also laugh with satisfaction at how they explain what goes on in that head of yours.

The main characters are the 5 personified emotions, which all work brilliantly with each other and all have their various moments to shine. The film spends the most time on both Joy and Sadness as they're the ones who journey around Riley's mind, and both characters really add something different to the film coming from opposite sides of the emotional spectrum. However, my single favourite character is Anger, voiced by Lewis Black. And that's another thing I have to praise Inside Out with; the voice acting. It's all done brilliantly, making these characters come to life on the big screen. Its really fun and interesting to see not just how the emotions interact with each other, but how they cause Riley to react in the real world. That relationship exists in relative autonomy, it works both ways. So sometimes, the actions Riley does in the real world changes the world inside of her mind.

It's so hard not to spoil this film for people who haven't seen it as this movie is better off experienced knowing as little as possible. I'd suggest staying away from the trailers. In case you do want to watch one, I'll leave a link at the bottom of the review.

This review is shorter than my usual ones but its a very simple film to talk about. Its enjoyable for both children and for their parents, although I feel the parents will probably connect to the film emotionally from the first viewing. It may take a couple of years before young children really start to appreciate Inside Out's themes and messages. Its gorgeously animated, the characters all stand out, it's genius premise is executed pretty much perfectly. Its paced really well, there's never a dull moment. It's funny and it will make you cry. This film completely exceeded my expectations and I'm so happy Pixar is back on top form. I love this movie, and you will too.

Rating - A

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