
12 Years a Slave Movie Review
If you ever want to feel like a massive dick inside, then definitely go out and watch 12 Years a Slave. All I did was watch it and now I feel like the world's biggest douchebag..
12 Years A Slave is a true story which is directed by Steve McQueen and has a huge cast to boast about; the likes of Brad Pitt, Benedict Cumberbatch, Paul Dano and Michael Fassbender join Chiwetel Ejiofor in a tale set in one of the darkest times of recent history.
It documents the true story of Solomon Northup, a free black man living in upstate New York, who is sold into slavery. The film then shows the harsh and brutal events that follow during Northup's 12 year period as a slave. Along the way, you meet a whole host of different people and numerous events begin to happen, events that make you feel horrible and guilty inside.
This is a movie that effects you deeply in ways that it should do. This film is brutally honest and takes an un-flinching look at slavery in the 1800s. It shows us just how satanic and barbaric people were and how awfully these people were treated.
12 Years a Slave was at times a very difficult watch because at times it would show the brutal extent of the suffering of these slaves, in camera shots that seemed to last a lifetime.
The direction from Steve McQueen is seamless and impressive as every single shot is framed and lit to absolute perfection. Some of the takes in this movie are so good because they shows us the extent of the brutality of slavery by simply lasting forever. They stick with you, I can't get the images out of my head..
For example, one shot sees a barbaric event continuously happening in the foreground of the shot and the background just sees people ignoring the event and getting on with what they have to do. Not only is it excellently thought-out and delivered with precision, it is also impressive because it visually
gives audience members the true extent of the suffering of these people.
Also, the quiet yet effective soundtrack reminded me of the last song from the Inception soundtrack. Am I the only one who noticed that? It doesn't matter, it worked perfectly for this movie..
Slavery is a very delicate topic and still happens in the world today and it was a very bold choice of McQueen and the rest of the team behind the screenplay to display the harsh reality of it. I am happy that they did do it, even if it does have such a depressing effect on you.
The performances in this movie were all great. With such a huge cast it was difficult for everybody to stand out but I think it's fair to say that everyone really does deliver.
Chiwetel Ejiofor is perfect as the main character as it only takes you 5 minutes into the movie before you are full on routing for this guy to succeed. It isn't a performance that screams "Look at me! Look at me!", it is perfect for the role he is trying to play. Excellent job.
Brad Pitt and Benedict Cumberbatch are 2 other stand-out performers in this movie and some of my favourite scenes were when Solomon Northup is simply talking to Pitt and Cumberbatch's characters. They played 2 very sympathetic characters and I thought they did well. Mind you, they probably looked like even better people when you look at this next character..
Michael Fassbender is truly excellent in 12 Years a Slave. His character is the most barbaric, twisted and evil soul in the world and boy does Fassbender live it up when playing him. You can tell he really enjoyed playing this guy and I enjoyed his performance.
12 Years a Slave is an excellent film, there is no denying it. Critics all over the world will give it their highest possible praise, that is inevitable and fully justified. However, I felt that 12 Years a Slave let itself down as an experience..
This movie is 2 hours long and boy does it show. I have nothing against long films, but when you pack in so much emotional weight and eye-opening brutality into 2 hours like 12 Years a Slave does, it will ultimately detract from the experience.
I ended this movie admiring the performances, the technical ingenuity and the brutal, eye-opening honesty it showed, but I also left feeling horrible about myself. Some scenes in this movie are difficult to watch because they are just so horrible, so depressing. In the end, I can't give 12 Years a Slave my highest possible praise because I didn't enjoy it as much as I wanted to.
That being said, I still think 12 Years a Slave is one of the year's best and deserves all of the credit it gets from fans and critics alike. People may disagree with my rating but I stand by it:
Rating - A-
1 sentence summary - A well made, honest and brutal look at one of the darkest times in recent history, an emotional and sometimes a difficult watch!
I expect this one to be up for either Best Picture of Best Adapted Screenplay on Oscar night, it's a terrific movie.
Thanks for reading,
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