

Bad Grandpa Movie Review

As far as comedies go, 2013 in general has not been the strongest of years in my opinion. Does Bad Grandpa follow this trend, or is it a welcome exception?


Bad Grandpa is a comedy movie directed Jeff Tremaine and stars Johnny Knoxville in the lead role, the man behind a minor comedy franchise called Jackass. Bad Grandpa sees Knoxville reprise his popular role of the grandpa, and is tasked with delivering his grandson across the States to his father. Of course, the 2 make many stops along the way and thus ensues a classic prank movie, which was actually a pleasant viewing experience.

Bad Grandpa made a very good call because it was a film which understood what it was. When movies can understand that and make fun of themselves, like Bad Grandpa does at the very start, you have me interested.

As far as the comedy goes you have a mixed bag. It ranges from grotesque to clever with a few pieces of slapstick in between.

The grotesque comedy in Bad Grandpa works because it isn't overly used. I can only recall 2 scenes in the movie where this form of comedy is used. Of course, it is obscenely disgusting but it isn't straight-up and in-your-face like most movies try to do nowadays.

Slapstick comedy in my opinion is a cheap way of gaining laughs. Unfortuanetly, Bad Grandpa over-uses it. Obviously, it has to be in there if it wishes to be a part of the Jackass franchise but if overused, the humour is devalued. At the start it's ok, but from then on I could tell that it would be used over and over again.

However, Bad Grandpa saves itself with another form of humour, that of a more subtle variety. Being a prank movie, there is going to be a whole host of reaction shots from people involved who have no idea that they are partaking in a movie. The reactions are genuine, and as a result hilarious.

It's amazing what we as people will let old people get away with isn't it? That is what I took away from Bad Grandpa.

As for the screenplay, awful. But you knew that already? The story and plot is decidedly weak but Bad Grandpa knows this and plays of that fact excellently.

Knoxville and the child actor both play there roles well. Knoxville goes without saying, but the boy surprised me because he was likeable and not annoying as shit!

I was also surprised at the way the movie was shot due to the various camera angles necessary for a prank movie. It makes the movie feel more real, more legitimate.

Bad Grandpa surprised me, I would give it the following rating:

Rating - B-

1 sentence summary - A movie that knows what it is, and as a result is an entertaining watch!

Have to say I'm in the mood to watch a couple of Jackass sketches at the moment.. Anyway, there's my review. Also, what do you prefer? The longer or shorter movie reviews? Tell me via the comments..

Thanks for reading,

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