
Why I hate the hate for DC - RANT
I talk about comic book movies a lot, but today I want to talk about something that has troubled me for some time.
I browse the Internet a lot and everyday I find myself watching videos concerning the newly announced slate of films for both Marvel's and DC's cinematic universe. Because Marvel are currently ahead of the game, "Marvel fanboys" tend to bash DC about everything and its really starting to piss me off. This is addressed solely to people who believe that Marvel's practice is God whereas DC's practice is crap.
Disclaimer number 1; I am neither a DC nor a Marvel "fanboy", I love comic book movies in general. Disclaimer number 2; I know I'm speaking to a small part of the community here, I know most fans do not parade around the Internet purposefully devoting their time to bash the over studio. Disclaimer number 3; I am aware that DC "fanboys" do exactly the same to Marvel Studios, I'm simply defending DC at this moment because from what I've seen they get a lot more hate. So let's begin.
Why do DC get bashed after every announcement?
Ok now this is a slightly controversial one but its something I see laced within a minority of the community and it makes me mad. I'll give a recent example: Guardians of the Galaxy 2 is moved from 28th July 2017 to 5th May 2017. Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is moved from May 6th 2016 to March 24th 2016. In the words of the Joker (kind of) "Guardians 2 moves forward a few months and no one bats an eye, Batman v Superman moves forward a few months and everyone loses their minds!" Guardians 2 moves forward and nobody cares, but BvS moves and people accuse DC of backing down. It doesn't make sense.
Why is it a crime when DC doesn't have a plan, but when they release a plan its "rushed"?
So for years people would bash DC for not having a plan for a shared cinematic universe. However when one was finally released a few weeks ago, apparently its been rushed. HEY!?!? HOW? They moved Batman v Superman forward a year for the sole purpose of constructing the foundations for their cinematic universe. Their movie plan is different to Marvel's in that The Justice League is coming out before characters like Flash and Green Lantern get their solo flicks, and I like that approach. If their cinematic plan was identical to Marvel's, then people would accuse DC of clean-out copying them.
Why do people think the studios hate each other?
If DC hadn't owned properties like Superman or Batman who are known for clearing up at the box office, then would Marvel have set up their cinematic universe in the way that they have? If Marvel hadn't set up their cinematic universe, would DC be trying to do something similar? My point is competition is good and it makes both studios raise their game, and hopefully increase the quality of their films. I doubt the executives from Warner Brothers and Marvel Studios hate each other with a passion, I'm sure they get on just fine. The so called "war" between them is created solely by the fans and in particular "fanboys" who bash the other studio at any opportunity.
Why do we have to choose?
The Avengers? The Dark Knight? Love them. All I'm saying is I like movies made by both studios and I will see films made by both. The only reason I'm defending DC today is because from what I've seen it is usually Marvel "fanboys" who are giving the other studio the most shit at the moment. If DC was in Marvel's position, then these people would be DC fanboys bashing Marvel for trying to play catch up. If we lived in a parallel universe where this was the case, I guarantee this would happen.
Another small thing to bare in mind: Marvel have always announced their films 2 years in advance. However, soon after DC dropped their entire slate, Marvel announced their entire plans up to May 2019. DC forced Marvel's hand, its hard not to admit.
I am not a Marvel hater at all. However, I finally felt that today was the day I put out my opinion and respond to some of the unwarranted hate for DC. For those of you like me who enjoy both Marvel and DC I hope we can sit back and enjoy comic book films together from now until 2020. God knows we'll be getting a few!
Thanks for reading,
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