

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes Movie Review


Dawn of the Planet of the Apes is directed by Matt Reeves and is a sequel to 2011's Rise of the Planet of the Apes, which was my favourite movie to come out that summer movie season. The events of "Dawn" take place 10 years after "Rise" and we return to our hero Caesar, who is living in the woods with the rest of his tribe peacefully. However, when a group of humans stumble across the tribe, events are set in motion which will threaten the peace between the last remaining humans and the increasingly intelligent apes.

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes is just a sensational movie, and is the best to come out so far this year. It is honestly one of the best movies I have ever seen in my entire life and I was not prepared for how awesome the film turned out to be.

I spent the entire movie holding my breath, clenching my fists and with my jaw hanging open, gawking at the amazement the movie gave me. The movie is so good as it moves at a very quick and urgent pace and you really start to feel that every scene in the movie matters for something. But to me what made this movie so special is the fact that every thing is on a knife edge throughout the entire movie. You feel as if it could kick off at any second and this brings for some fantastic tension which lasts from the first scene to the very last. You so want the humans and the apes to co-exist peacefully but deep down you know that certain characters in the ape and human camps will just not let that happen.

After 10 years we get to see how Caesar is getting on and the answer is very well. He has a wife and a son and is the authoritative figure amongst his group of apes. Every second Caesar is on screen is golden. Andy Serkis is a pioneer for motion capture technology and he honestly deserves and Oscar nomination for best actor as his performance is ridiculously real and hard-hitting. There are a few times in the movie where there is an extreme close up of Caesar's face and when you look at it you see the actor and the performance that he is giving. Also they develop Caesar's character sufficiently throughout the movie and there were a few moments when he brought me to tears. I don't cry in The Fault in our Stars but I do in a movie involving a bunch of CGI apes!

But that just proves how emotionally impactful the movie really is. If you couple that with the ridiculous tension you'll get a movie you won't be able to take your eyes off of. The movie affected me so much to the point where I had only drunk 2 sips of my coke during the film.

Also great in the film is Toby Kebbell playing the ape Koba. Koba was the ape in "Rise" who the humans were experimenting on, so he has an obvious deep hatred for human beings and just doesn't trust them. However, he still looks up to Caesar and is in debt to him after Caesar saved him during "Rise". Gary Oldman also nearly brought me to tears during one scene and what I loved about him was that he wasn't a cookie-cutter villain, he had his motivations and you completely understood where he was coming from. Jason Clarke and the other humans were well developed and relatable and contributed to you, as an audience member, being attached to every single character and wanting them to peacefully exist.

The story itself is completely unpredictable and when it looks like it is following a certain route it changes course unexpectedly, so you never really know just what you're in for. The acting of course is just stunning and the characters are all either brilliantly well developed or have a tremendous screen presence to them. Or both.

Matt Reeves was given the task to direct this movie and he did it amazingly. He has also been confirmed to direct the 3rd movie set to come out in 2016, which is amazing news! There were moments in the movie where a single shot would blow my mind and leave my jaw hanging just because it looked so beautiful. The movies editing, cinematography and music did a stellar job at creating the environment and maintaining a consistent level of tension which didn't let up until the screen turned black at the end. Also, the CGI is some of the best I've ever seen and the motion capture work is second to none.

I haven't even talked about the action sequences yet which take place during the film's final act. They're just unrelentingly brutal and hard-hitting (there's that word once again!). There are some fight sequences during the movie where you feel every single punch. I must give credit to the sound designers involved with this movie as they really gave this awesome summer movie an extra dimension which made the movie experience that little bit better!

I love this movie more than anything and I honestly think it is one of the best I have ever seen. The tension was unbearable at times and I could genuinely feel my heart pounding in my chest. This movie is also one of the most emotionally impactful movies I have ever seen and I haven't been as invested in a film since I last watched The Lord of the Rings, my all time favourite movies. This movie is the best, and you should see it right now:

Rating - A+

1 sentence summary - The movie of the summer; where every filmmaking element combines to create a movie with incredibly real tension, raw emotion and an unforgettable experience!

I'm going to do a spoiler filled review of Dawn of the Planet of the Apes soon and I can't wait for that. My love for this movie cannot be merely expressed in only one review.

Question: Your favourite movie of the summer so far?

Thanks for reading,

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